足元のお洒落に欠かせないモノ、「靴下」。 当店では世界のお洒落な靴下を取り扱っています。
Sir Tile(サータイル)は、新しいトレンドに押され、衰退していくポルトガルのタイル文化とアイデンティティを守るために誕生しました。
Crescer e viver no Porto é ter a memória de casas revestidas a azulejo e testemunhar que as criações de artistas anónimos, com o tempo, vão desaparecendo.
A ideia de os transpor para um produto de design surgiu em 2014, quando a minha mulher Paula e eu, ambos designers, trabalhávamos na fábrica de meias do pai dela.
Durante esse período desenhamos padrões de meias para outras marcas, no entanto sempre nos assolou a sensação de que faltava autenticidade naquilo que víamos e fazíamos.
Com a vontade de fazer a diferença e preservar a identidade visual da cidade que nos viu nascer, decidimos utilizar a nossa herança cultural, para criar uma nova marca de meias.
Assim, em outubro de 2018 lançamos o SirTile®, uma marca de meias unissexo com a ambição de “traduzir para uma peça útil de roupa, a identidade única dos padrões de Azulejos Portugueses.”
A nossa presença em Tóquio remete-nos para a relação cultural de quatro séculos que une Portugal ao Japão. A possibilidade de partilhar a Sir Tile® com o povo Japonês e contribuir para a elegância e conforto do seu dia-a-dia, é um privilégio para uma marca pequena como a nossa.
João & Paula, SirTile® co-founders
そこで、2018年10月に “ポルトガルタイル柄のユニークなアイデンティティを、便利な衣服に変換する “という野望を持ったユニセックスなソックスブランド「SirTile®」を立ち上げました。
Sir Tile®を日本の皆様にお届けし、エレガントで快適な暮らしに貢献できることは、私たちのような小さなブランドにとって、とても光栄なことです。
João & Paula, SirTile® 共同創設者
Choosing the right yarn is pivotal when manufacturing socks! In order to guarantee that our brand offers the best quality, including no pilling, we use a thin 100% Egyptian cotton yarn from a highly reliable Italian supplier – FILMAR.
In a globally connected world, transparency and sustainability play an essential role in the manufacturing industry.
Portugal´s northerns region has an international reputation for its textile industry know-how, making it the ideal place to search for the best supplier to produce our socks.
After our initial market research, we have chosen FIORIMA a company with a long experience in socks manufacturing. They help us creating high-premium socks using their 200 needle circular knitting machines, ensuring the best details for our Tiles Patterns.
After knitting, our socks undergo a boarding process where a constant pressure and temperature ensure an accurate shape and size, facilitating pairing and softening the socks for improved touch and comfort.
Branding gives uniqueness to a product.
For this step, we use a high definition fabric badge from our supplier PASSAMAR.
Their technology ensures a high definition image in a small scale.
SirTile® official website
The contrast between the floral motifs and the diagonal lines of these BLUE FLORAL SOCKS create a design so unique that will add a fresh touch to your outfit.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
フラワーモチーフと斜めラインのコントラストが印象的な「BLUE FLORAL SOCKS」。個性的なデザインで、コーディネートを新鮮に演出します。
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The elegant pattern in shades of brown of these GEOMETRIC BROWN SOCKS gives a sober style to your daily outfit.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
ブラウンの濃淡で表現された上品な柄が、毎日の着こなしを落ち着いたスタイルにしてくれる「GEOMETRIC BROWN SOCKS」。
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
As a classic pattern, the CUBES SOCKS are indispensable in a socks brand, whose inspiration relies on the eclecticism of Portuguese Azulejos.
Any friend who sees you with these beautiful coloured socks on your feet will probably be jealous.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
ポルトガルのアズレージョ(タイル)にインスパイアされたソックスブランドにとって、クラシックな柄である「CUBES SOCKS」は欠かせない存在です。これを履いていたら、周りの人から羨ましがられること間違いなし!
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The cobalt blue gives all the strength of character to these BLUE TRIANGLE SOCKS.
The simplicity of the shape, when repeated as on a facade, creates on your feet a super cool design that will show everyone just how trendy your style is.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
コバルトブルーが力強い個性を放つ「BLUE TRIANGLE SOCKS」。
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The beauty of these GEOMETRIC RED SOCKS lies at its sophisticated pattern.
Featuring bold colours, and sharp shapes, these socks are perfect for those who like to challenge trends.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
「GEOMETRIC RED SOCKS」の魅力は、その洗練されたパターンにあります。
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
No one is indifferent to the great bold pattern knitted in these PEDRO HISPANO SOCKS.
As a new colour in our collection, black brings a new range of possibilities for those who like to challenge trends.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
Representing the best of the 60’s, this blue pattern creates such a unique effect on your feet that makes the HOMERO SOCKS a versatile and easy combination in your everyday wear.
With good elasticity and made with soft and long fibber cotton, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
Camellia socks merge art and fashion into a different level. Inspired by the baroque, the symmetry of its floral motifs will enhance your everyday style in a more sophisticated way.
With good elasticity and featured in soft longer fibber cotton, these unisex socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The GREEN DIAGONAL SOCKS are a fusion between classic and contemporary.
Using Zero Pilling cotton by Filmar® allow us to knit this elegant green pattern that will make you feel dressy, no matter what the occasion is.
With medium elasticity, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
クラシックとコンテンポラリーの融合を「GREEN DIAGONAL SOCKS」で表現しました。
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The combination of brown and blue creates such a unique effect on your feet that makes the STYLIZED FLORAL SOCKS a versatile and easy combination in your everyday wear.
With medium elasticity, these genderless socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
The discreet and elegant pattern, gives Squares socks a classic style that you can combine with any look.
With good elasticity and featured in soft longer fibber cotton, these unisex socks provide great comfort to the feet and are available in two adult sizes.
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)
Give an extra dimension to your outfit with Stars socks. With a unisex and timeless style, they’re colorful geometrical patterns will keep your feet elegant, whatever the occasion is.
With good elasticity and featured in soft longer fibber cotton, they provide great comfort and are available in two adult sizes
Price ¥ 4,510 (in tax)