

Category : Gozoと人

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中村 眞弥子は 1976年 八王子生まれ 八王子在住の画家。
2009年より平面作品を中心に国内外で 発表。
からだの感じる空間のさかいめ・あたまの知っている実在の印象・こころの求めている普 遍的なかたちに無数の感覚を重ねながら、もうひとつの日常を描く。
ホテルの壁画、装丁、食 器、プリントファブリックなど 暮らしに寄り添う作品も幅広く手がけている。


八王子で生まれ、八王子で育ち、八王子で暮らし、八王子で仕事をしている(4年間のイギリス滞 在と6年間のタイ滞在を除く。)
“都心”と “自然” の “さかいめ” である郊外の街、八王子をこよな く愛する。
八王子には、Gozovationのオーナー福士さんをはじめ、坂本呉服店、cafe・gallery MODESTEなど、八王子を愛する人がたくさんいることも、眞弥子の八王子への愛を深めてい る。


眞弥子と靴との出会い は、小学校時代にイギリスのノーサンプトンシャー州にある靴の博物館を訪れたときだった。
1740年代に作られた女性用の淡いピンクのシルクダマスクのバックルラチェットシューズ。彼女 はそのデザイン、色、そして歴史に魅了さた。 https://northamptonmuseums.wordpress.com/2020/10/01/shoe-of-the-month-in-thepink/ 
さらに絵画を学び、画家になり、今に 至っている。


What Mayako do

Mayako Nakamura (1976-) is a painter, living and working in Hachioji, Tokyo. She exhibits her work in both domestic and foreign venues since 2009. She explains her working method: “I trace the shapes of space and boundaries in everyday, as my body feels. When numerous senses are woven together with the impressions of the reality that my mind has already known, and with the universal shapes that my kokoro longs for, another day appears on my canvas. I’m attempting to create another everyday, which seems more essential than the actual living, by painting atmospheres; emotions and actions that can’t be expressed by words; nothing special, but surely existing.” Mayako’s works has been used as book cover and CD jacket illustrations, collaborates with clothing brands, creates clocks and ceramic paintings as well as paintings on canvas.

Why Hachioji?

Mayako was born in Hachioji, and grew up in Hachioji, living and working in Hachioji (except 4 years in England, and 6 years in Thailand.) She loves the suburban city of Hachioji- The lBoundaryz of “City” and “Nature”. Love for Hachioji is enhanced with the fact that there are so many Hachioji lovers in Hachioji- Mr. Fukushi, the owner of Gozovation, of course, Sakamotogofukuten, cafe・gallery MODESTE, to mention a few. With a group of friends, she is working as a staff for a magazine, JIMOTO. For more Information please view the instagram account at:https://www.instagram.com/jimoto_hachioji/

Shoes and Mayako 

Mayako loves looking at shoes and drawings of shoes, often dreams of shoes when she’s asleep.
Her very first encounter with the shoes was when she visited a Shoe Museum in Northamptonshire, England during her junior school years. It was a pair of women`s pale pink silk damask buckle latchet shoes from the 1740s. She was fascinated by its design, as well as the colour, and the history. https://northamptonmuseums.wordpress.com/2020/10/01/shoe-of-the-month-in-thepink/ 
Her love for shapes, colours, and history led her to study Art History and Oil painting in her university years, and then become a painter that she is today. There are only a limited number of shoes that look good and can be worn, but when Mayako sees the shoes, she gets very excited.

Mayako Nakamura Website



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